Marketing Tips About Selling Flipping Book Online
Date: September 14, 2012
Autumn is approaching us slowly, but we can feel the cool wind. With the time passed, online books or online magazines are more and more popular in current market. What’s your marketing plan for online books or online magazines in new season?
PDF to Flash Flipping Book is an easy flip book maker which allows people to create flipping book from PDF and publish flipping book online easily for more people to read and buy. The amazing thing is that you can make mobile version of flipping book to let people to read on iPad, iPhone, Android mobile devices with a browser.
Here we are sharing several marketing tips with you about selling flipping book online:
1) Create animated online book with amazing appearance but not lack of page turning effect of realistic paper book which can truly catch readers’ eyes.
2) Set single password to exclude pages of flipping book would help you show online book better. Set single password to exclude pages of flipping book means readers can read some pages of flipping book but need password to read latter pages. Don’t you think it’s a good way to sell online books?
3) Convert several pages of PDF to flipping book or flipping magazine for better showing to readers. With large numbers of pages in online book, you can easily make flipping book with several pages by PDF to Flash Flipping Book for readers’ convenience. This style showing would make people enjoy fresh reading experience and please them. That’s also a good way to attract more readers!
4) Make online book with flexible bookmarks and thumbnails which would make online book more intuitive for readers. With easy flip book maker, you can easily make online flipping book with showing or hiding bookmarks and thumbnails with ease and flexibility.
By the way, you can also set single password to all pages of flipping book as you need. This setting would be more useful for protect private PDF files.
Learn how to publish flipping book online easily:
Free Download : PDF to Flash Flipping Book
Make flash flipping book on Mac : PDF to Flash Flipping Book for Mac